Here's what's new on Franklin (2023.4)

April 2023 release updates

Updated over a week ago

We are excited to announce the launch of our latest release which comes with advanced tools to help you get the most out of your patient’s genetic data. These Franklin features are designed to streamline your bioinformatics analysis process and make it easier for your team of genetic experts to interpret the results.

Here's what's new in Franklin:

Hard panels

Are you an avid virtual panel user? Our new version makes it even easier to apply hard panels that enable you to only call variants in a subset of genes.

Upon creating a case, users can now select any panel from their organization’s shared Knowledge Base as either a hard or a soft panel. By applying a hard panel, only the selected genes will be included in the variant list, disregarding the rest of the regions. Hard panels, unlike their soft counterparts, cannot be removed later in the analysis.

That way, users can be absolutely certain that they’re complying with their organization’s privacy policies regarding incidental findings.

Case details for a new case, where you can select hard or soft panels

Unsure about how to create Virtual Panels in Franklin? Check out this article.

Merge filters

Franklin’s new merged filters feature allows users to unite multiple quick filters, improving the efficiency of your lab’s genetic test interpretation process. This feature is useful for creating a robust SOP that will help your team catch even the edge cases on complex patients.

With merged filters, Franklin helps you create your own standard process for genetic case analysis. We recommend using this tool to collaboratively define the steps for your variant triaging protocol, which will lead to a more efficient and homogenous case interpretation across the whole organization. That way, you can be certain no one will miss an important finding!

List to select quick filters to merge

To create a merged filter, just go to the Variants tab in the case, click on “Manage filters” and select the option "Merge filters". You can then select it from the Quick Filter list. The variants will update to show only variants that meet the filter criteria of either one of the sub-filters that were merged, similarly to a logic OR function.

Credit monitoring tool

In addition to the above features, our latest version also includes a credit report. That way, Franklin Professional and Franklin Enterprise users can track their usage and ensure that they stay within their allocated budget. This feature provides our users with clarity regarding their credit status, showing both the latest consumptions and their organization’s remaining reserved credits.

Credit report in Franklin

To access this view, just click on the drop-down menu on the top right of the platform, where you see your and your organization's names, and choose the “Credit report” option. There, you can monitor your remaining credits and assess your consumptions for the last month, quarter, semester, or year. We hope this tool will help you have more transparency on your organization's credit usage.

Other improvements

  • Selected users are testing out Franklin’s Discovery feature, our genomics analytic engine that enables querying the entire dataset while combining genomic, phenotypic, and case metadata. Stay tuned for the official launch of this highly requested feature!

  • Bulk upload is now easier than ever! No need to head to “Assets” anymore. Just head to the “New Case” button and select the “Bulk upload” option.

  • We’ve optimized the compound SNP-CNV detection and prioritization algorithm not only for trios but also for single cases.

We would like to invite you to explore the new features and enhancements and share your feedback with us. If you have any questions or feedback about this update, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

If you’re interested in learning more about these new features, or want to explore analyzing FASTQ files and exporting custom reports with Franklin Professional, feel free to schedule a call!

- The Franklin Team

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