Upload to S3 Bucket

Learn how to upload sample files into an AWS S3 Bucket

Updated over a week ago

This article will describe several options that you can choose in order to upload your samples to S3, and import them to Franklin, using the "Sample Import Wizard"

Uploading from CLI

To upload to an S3 bucket from a CLI (i.e terminal), you'll need to download and install AWS CLI tool, links to download the version to all operating systems can be found here.

Once installed, you can now use the client to upload data from your local server \ computer by running the following command:

# Set AWS credentials
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="AKIA2ZH********"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="vttAMe8FEb2azm7E4aYrJSexBkaZRu*******"
# copy all samples data from current working directory (".") to folder ("samples) in an S3 bucket ("genoox-upload-example")
aws s3 cp . s3://genoox-upload-example/samples/ --recursive

# same as above, but as a single line command:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="AKIA2ZH********" && export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="vttAMe8FEb2azm7E4aYrJSexBkaZRu*******" && aws s3 cp . s3://genoox-upload-example/samples/ --recursive

Uploading with a third-party app (GUI)

We recommend the following tools to upload files if you prefer working with a graphical UI:

S3 Browser

S3 Browser is Compatible only with Microsoft Windows

S3 Browser - Amazon S3 Client for Windows. User Interface for Amazon S3. S3  Bucket Explorer.

S3 Browser is free and simple to use, You can download it from here

if you're creating your first bucket, please follow this document.

Once you have a bucket created, you can start uploading files by dragging them from your local computer to an S3 Bucket.

It's considered a best practice to upload the files to a sub-directory of the bucket (e.g, upload to bucket-name/05.05.2022/)

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